hii! this is a comfort carrd i made for when you're feeling low or need a distraction!! click on the paws !! :D

click on me!

CW// animals !

before we start, i want to make sure you're alright. take a nice deep breathe, inhale for 3, hold for 3 and exhale for 3. :D

also, if you're sensitive to animals, you might not want to carry on which is completely fine <3 the animals in this carrd include kittens , bunnies , foxes and lambs !

and lastly, my dms are always open so please don't hesitate to rant to me or ask for advice, i will try my best to comfort and help you!


click on me!

source ; https://www.purina.co.uk/cats/behaviour-and-training/understanding-cat-behaviour/fun-facts-about-cats

cat facts!
-cats spend 70% of their lives sleeping
-the oldest cat in the world was 38 years old
-cats walk like camels and giraffes
-in 1963 a cat went to space
-house cats share 95.6% of their genetic makeup with tigers
-the record for the loudest purr is 67.8db


cw // vomit

source ; https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/557234/facts-about-rabbits

bunny facts!
-they can't vomit
-some rabbits are as big as a toddler
-a bunny will hop when it's happy and do a twist in mid-air
-rabbits groom themselves like cats do
-their vision almost covers 360 degrees


source ;https://facts.net/nature/animals/fox-facts

fox facts!
-the fennec fox is considered to be the smallest species of fox
-they are members of the Canidae family
-they can make around 40 different sounds
-artic foxes do not shiver in cold climates
-like many felines, foxes are most active when the sun goes down and also have sensitive whiskers


source ; https://factcity.com/17-amazing-facts-about-sheep/

lamb / sheep facts!
-their pupils are irregular shapes
-a sheep's wool never stops growing
-they have good memories
-when sheep fall sick, they self medicate - they know the plants that they need to eat to cure their ailments